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I’m not sure what happened, but I’m sure glad to hear that someone has gotten the message that infringement is not protected by the First Amendment. Yeah, but all that infringement is killing the music business, huh?įiled Under: copyright, don henley, music, protect ip, youtube So the absolute cheapest price you can pay to see Don Henley in concert, in the nosebleed seats will run you… $153.65. Amusingly, even if you choose to show up and pick up the ticket yourself, you still pay the delivery fee. There are some (more expensive) tickets where you can buy just one, but then you have to add in the service fee ($21.65) and a delivery fee ($15). Actually, that’s just the list price, and you can’t buy a single ticket at that price. The nosebleed seats where you can barely see the stage… those will run you a mere $116. At least they set aside some “cheap seats” for the kids. Oh, and if you’d like to see just how badly Henley is suffering from all this infringement in person, you can buy tickets to an upcoming Eagles concert for $2134 a pop. And we should remind Don Henley that not so long ago he was pointing out that piracy isn’t a problem, and the real problem was the RIAA and the major record labels. In the meantime, if Henley wants to look at “the company anyone keeps,” perhaps he should look at his friends who are supporting PROTECT IP. In a weak attempt to do so, it advocates outright censorship with no due process. He’s right that stopping infringement is not censorship, but the bill is extremely broad and goes way beyond stopping infringement. Henley just brushes that off by pretending that Google just wants to keep “accepting untold advertising dollars from illegal online pharmacies.”īut the bigger issue is that Henley totally ignores the points that the EFF has raised about the problem of PROTECT IP. He also fails to respond to the “break the Internet” claim, which comes from a group of very well-respected technologists who had a major role in building the internet’s core infrastructure. But PROTECT IP goes way, way beyond what Henley describes. Stopping crime on the Internet is not, as EFF says, “censorship.” There is no First Amendment right to infringe intellectual property rights.įirst of all, no, there is no First Amendment right to infringe, but no one has claimed that there is either. No one has the freedom to commit or abet crimes on the Internet. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a civil liberties group, claims such a bill would “break the Internet,” while Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt says it sets “a disastrous precedent” for freedom of speech. Most of the article is a misguided, misleading or simply false attack on both Google and anyone, such as the EFF, who supports basic user rights:Ĭritics of this pending legislation need to be honest about the company they keep and why they essentially aid and abet these criminal endeavors. It appears that Henley really wants to shut down YouTube. Given his belief that YouTube is a “rogue” site, his views on PROTECT IP are especially troubling.

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I’m not a fan of YouTube at all for their part in aiding and abetting copyright violations.” “A tremendous amount of the content on YouTube is a copyright violation…. “YouTube is one of the biggest violators or copyright laws in the world,” he said. A year ago, he was claiming that it’s all YouTube’s fault:Īnd Henley reserved particular ire for YouTube, which he described as a “fence” for stolen intellectual property. Henley has become quite the curmudgeon over the past few years, lashing out at everyone for not giving him more money. In this case, it’s an op-ed piece by Don Henley in USA Today. It looks like they’re now trying to break out “the big guns.” And, by “big guns” we mean out-of-touch millionaire old fogey rockers who have name brand appeal, but little actual knowledge. While the entertainment industry thought that getting PROTECT IP approved was going to be a walk in the park, they’ve been taken somewhat by surprise at the level of resistance to the bill over the last few months. Wed, Aug 24th 2011 12:59pm - Mike Masnick

Animated gifs women incentives for guy to jerk off